Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is this how many humans of today treat nature?

Several thousands of years back, God created Adam and Eve. Since then human race came to exist on this earth. Nature always works in a beautiful manner and it is humble, it made the man grow wise. First it made him feel what wind, water, fire etc were like. Then it taught how to make fire, use water and land. Everything, in a beautiful manner - like nature and friend were good friends, enough to make the wise man of today wonder.
Today, nature has gone wild. It is starting to behave differently. Temperature is soring up like anything, winter is getting shorter and summer is getting longer. Concept of four season is starting to disappear. May be we the newer generation living on this earth have not been nice to the friend or our fore- and -fore fathers-- the nature.
Humans are hungry not only of food and pleasure, but also of oils. We people use oils of all types and everywhere, I guess. Speaking of transportation oil, big oil farms are digging up the earth like anything hunting for more and more hydrocarbons. In few decades from now, there wont be any place to dig. The oil firms as surgeons and earth as human body. Surgeons will kill the man if they repeatedly do 'cut-open and close' on the human body.May be this is why the earth itself is getting angry, sucking in many human lives whenever it's mouth opens, something we call earthquake.
Yesterday, on my way back to home, I was passing by a bridge. Indeed, I had to cross the bridge twice as I had to get something from the other side of the river and back. I saw something that lead me to think 'oh! is this how many humans of today treat nature'. On both the counts of crossing the bridge, I saw a man stopping his bike in the middle of the bridge. He pulled out a full plastic bag and thew it down to the river. What a f**king mentality. I mean, he knows that he is not suppose to dump trash bags just like that. But he did it anway. People like him and many others are converting rivers to giant drainage. He speeded off fast, else I would have stopped him and questioned him.
More so, the scene is very ugly in this country. Huge amounts of debris are dumped into water--river, lake whatever in the name of 'holy dip'. I guess, it is high time that the same ' holy dip' has brought nothing great to the country. As is the mentality of the people living in the land, so will be the development. No river running in the cities or its suburb in this country have water running, but something we cannot classify as water. To much to talk about in this. If you have read this far, I am sure you are sensitive to nature or environment as I am. I can tell, you would have never dump anything bad into any river. Now my request is this, if you come across anyone caught in such a act, give him a nice thrash if he is a young man, convince him or her if he is child, female or an old man.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Diary On The Bike Accident

Some memories remain while some naturally lost in the misty haze of time. Let me tell you what has been ringing in my ears, time to time, more of when I am on a highway. I tell you not because I want to talk about it, not even because I want you to feel happy or sad about it. But because I find it quite difficult to hold up in my mind. While I do not intend to bother you with my mental stance , may I share with you an account of what I felt ’when I saw what I couldn’t look at’. Ever since I landed up in Pune, I did all I could, to explore the city. So many things were told, so many things were heard about the city. The city with its IT parks , Ashram and uncountable number of B-schools, it is not difficult to attract tech- wizards, foreigners, and ocean of youths. And I landed up in the city just like that, in the flow, with others. I hear some people say life can takes you to different places , even to places you never thought you would be, And I guess it happened to me. Of course, I came to the city with my own choice, and I was very excited to come to this city of Shivaji. Thankfully, Tridiagonal solutions, the company that hired me gave me a wonderful welcome to the city. It was certainly a moment of pride, experiencing for the first time co-operate environment, and the company you work for taking care of you so well. It was about the time when I started to have real fun working in Tridiagonal solutions (TSPL), to my great surprise, the CEO announced a warm up trek to Sinhagad. I did not know if I was the first person to jump in with a reply mail expressing how happily I would like to join the team for trek. Well, having born by the mountain valley, I grew up, walking up to the hills almost everyday. And today somehow, when I am away from home, whenever I go up to a hill, it has become a means to recollect the memories of the countryside where I use to play once. To me, Sinhgad as in, was a wonderful place with its colorful flowers that starts couple of miles before the foothill, the trees, the tracks and most of all the most naturalistic curd you can ever get in this world. The curd there is like, when you eat, you feel like you have been taking something shit all these years. The utter sense of satisfaction and wishful thinking, that what if you get such curd everyday at home, is natural. Wait, did I tell you about a small plateau up at the hill, where few lucky people live and where the curd is made? The place was unbelievably beautiful. For a while I pondered asking question to myself, is it how the nature looks like or are they actually painted clouds that tried to veiled the hills. I never thought there would be a place like this in hills of Pune. For a moment you forget all the worries, stress, chaos this modern life gives you. I will tell anyone living in and around of Pune, that if you haven’t been there then you would neven know what it is like getting closest to nature..

Now I should tell you what I saw on our way to next destination for TSPL. This time we decided to go to Tikona which is about 25 miles from Pune main city. This was on 15th Oct exactly 42 days after the first trek. Now how do I tell what I saw? The trekking part went great, with so many pictures, and awesome, gratifying break fast by the fort at the hill top. Like the last time, this time too I understood the concrete feature at the hill top as something Shivaji or his solders made. I was told they were all his forts, But what moved me most that day, even today, more than the Tikona hill top, was what I saw on the way. The road to Tikona from Chandani Chowk was lovely, like a ribbon on the purple moor. With few vehicles on the road, we started to give our companion a challenge with bike racing. Little later, after having raced for couple of miles, we reach a sharp turn in between two hillocks. Oh! God, I couldn’t believed what I saw. There was a human being crumbled like a paper. Little later I saw another. Oh! What the hell is this, I asked myself. And ’why all those people who are watching are not doing anything’. ’Why do they simply stand and watch those two crumbled bodies’ I asked myself.

After a while a government ambulance came an picked then up. I could not accept what I saw a human body with 206 bones broken and held only by the skin. It was easy to notice, that they have been the worst accident of the week , or may be for the month, between a two wheeler bike and a small vehicle moment before we arrive at the spot. For a moment I thought oh! What a waste. Waste is that the single moment that lasted couple of second separate those people from life and death. I dont think the two people would have survived the accident. Even if they would have survived they would be living a living-death life. Mistakes and accidents happen in life and they teach lessons every time they happen. However, sometimes, it can leave you no option to learn, cause you are no longer there to.. 1

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Was it not being so thoughtful or solicitous??

Yesterday, 23-rd October 2009, was an important day for a childhood friend of mine. Indeed, the most important day for a man, when a person becomes a full man, an occasion we call a marriage.We grew up in the same town, went to same primary school, attended same university. But the fact that I wasn't there to attend such an important event in his life is something I never thought would happened. It was an important event to me too. Indeed it could have been the most important moment in my life.I prefer here not to make the reason public, but I had my own reason then, by which the occasion could have changed my life. What an incapable, unable, thoughtless or unsolicitous friend I was. Can't avoid from regretting ...
As a matter of fact, this is not the first time I have not being solicitous to my friends. There had been, a couple of, more marriage I had missed. And I am so shameful of my this inability. Because I couldn't show my face on those important days, the guilty feeling always lingers in my mind, due to which meeting again is not just the same it used to be earlier. It is strange, I mean, why is it that things have to be like this. We try to make things better, to let not such things happen. But still, we cannot avoid to not let it happen. Of course, everybody has a life to live. And to live we struggle. We work to feed ourselves. Why can't feeding ourselves become second to making our friends and people we know happier, fulfilling the needful act of a true man. I wonder....

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Uncertainties in the Certainty of Life

Never occurred to me that the life could take such roads entangled with such strange uncertainties in the certainty of life. Sometimes, I find the water rough and it is hard to sail along.At times, the river meanders, things that used to be visible to me have started to get hidden from me, and new things have started to appear on my way. Still, i don't wonder this, and i try to convince myself this is what life is and what it brings to us. Few months back i was there in a place.Indeed, i was there for a while disposing all the worries to the very belief "time heals everything".And i stayed there without any hurry for any new place. Of course i didn't know where could i possibly land up. The uncertainties were always there. I used to imagine then on what my next few months would be like. As much as i try to make things certain, the uncertainty seems to engulf much of my future. It was like hope against hope, looking for possibilities among impossibilities, a wild goose chase.
Lost in the thought for days, I gave up on things that were not supposed to and fought on those that were not meant for me. In such a situation you cannot differentiate on all the things that come to your way. In fact, you really did not know then what was best for you and for the people whom you care about. I couldn't differentiate between the real and virtual. All I knew was that i was real. I was standing, a standing man with firm legs and vulture eyes!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My vanity on friendship

To me, my friends are the most important part of my life. Of course, there are some who are less important, as less as i am to them. yet, i have ,inside me, that constantly says i must value my friends at utmost. The question is, am i really doing that. even if i have been doing so, how is the world around me, seeing me. we meet people, make friends, move on in life, then, some leave and some stay. there are times when we try to change a friend's life. the truth is, we actually don't try to change the person, but the person in him or her . the good will or potential in him or her is what we try to hunt for. there would be best friends, good friends, yet just friends. but the question is how do u decide who are the 'best', 'good' or 'just ' ones. the truth is you do not know, you cannot know either, you can only realize later.or we say, time will tell the truth. below, are some lines made by a man for a close friend of his in the movie GOOD WILL HUNTING. a simple dialogue but i find it touching.There is this thing called 'greatness with simplicity'. I see something of it in the lines. People with simple thinking, living a normal life with truthfulness--so they see only the truth about something or someone and speaks the truth. I find their friendship quite amazing and inspiring.
Here it is...

"Look, you're my best friend so don't take it this the wrong way. But in 20 years, if you are still living' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill ya. You got something none of us have.
You don't owe it to yourself to do this. You owe it to me. 'cause tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50, and I'll still be doing this shit. That's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're sittin on a winnin' lottery ticket. You're too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that's bullshit. 'Cause I'd do fucking anything to have what you got. So would any of these fucking guys. Be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hanging around here is a fucking waste of your time.
Let me tell you what I do know. Everyday I come by your house and I pick you up. We go out and have a few drinks and few laughs and its great. You know what the best part of my day is? It's for about 10 seconds: from when I pull up to the curb till I get to your door. 'Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye, no see-ya-later. No nothing. Y

Citizen activist

(Eddie Vedder)

Oh it's a mystery to me.
We have a greed, with which we have agreed...
and you think you have to want more than you need...
until you have it all, you won't be free.

Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.

When you want more than you have, you think you need...
and when you think more then you want, your thoughts begin to bleed.
I think I need to find a bigger place...
cause when you have more than you think, you need more space.

Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
Society, crazy indeed...
I hope you're not lonely, without me.

There's those thinkin' more or less, less is more,
but if less is more, how you keepin' score?
It means for every point you make, your level drops.
Kinda like you're startin' from the top...
and you can't do that.

Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
Society, crazy indeed...
I hope you're not lonely, without me
Society, have mercy on me.
I hope you're not angry, if I disagree.
Society, crazy indeed.
I hope you're not lonely...
without me.

The Insanity

Things that pop up when I think about myself...
I don't wish to write this...'cause it's about me. And what do i write about me? what is there in me that people will find interesting. I am a guy who is gone. Long gone,living a wasted life.sometimes, i wonder how purposeless my life is. What is that i've done for my society. A society that lay dissolved into darkest days, year after year.Everyday people wake up to strange anticipation on what the day will bring. Oh! me the light!!