Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is this how many humans of today treat nature?

Several thousands of years back, God created Adam and Eve. Since then human race came to exist on this earth. Nature always works in a beautiful manner and it is humble, it made the man grow wise. First it made him feel what wind, water, fire etc were like. Then it taught how to make fire, use water and land. Everything, in a beautiful manner - like nature and friend were good friends, enough to make the wise man of today wonder.
Today, nature has gone wild. It is starting to behave differently. Temperature is soring up like anything, winter is getting shorter and summer is getting longer. Concept of four season is starting to disappear. May be we the newer generation living on this earth have not been nice to the friend or our fore- and -fore fathers-- the nature.
Humans are hungry not only of food and pleasure, but also of oils. We people use oils of all types and everywhere, I guess. Speaking of transportation oil, big oil farms are digging up the earth like anything hunting for more and more hydrocarbons. In few decades from now, there wont be any place to dig. The oil firms as surgeons and earth as human body. Surgeons will kill the man if they repeatedly do 'cut-open and close' on the human body.May be this is why the earth itself is getting angry, sucking in many human lives whenever it's mouth opens, something we call earthquake.
Yesterday, on my way back to home, I was passing by a bridge. Indeed, I had to cross the bridge twice as I had to get something from the other side of the river and back. I saw something that lead me to think 'oh! is this how many humans of today treat nature'. On both the counts of crossing the bridge, I saw a man stopping his bike in the middle of the bridge. He pulled out a full plastic bag and thew it down to the river. What a f**king mentality. I mean, he knows that he is not suppose to dump trash bags just like that. But he did it anway. People like him and many others are converting rivers to giant drainage. He speeded off fast, else I would have stopped him and questioned him.
More so, the scene is very ugly in this country. Huge amounts of debris are dumped into water--river, lake whatever in the name of 'holy dip'. I guess, it is high time that the same ' holy dip' has brought nothing great to the country. As is the mentality of the people living in the land, so will be the development. No river running in the cities or its suburb in this country have water running, but something we cannot classify as water. To much to talk about in this. If you have read this far, I am sure you are sensitive to nature or environment as I am. I can tell, you would have never dump anything bad into any river. Now my request is this, if you come across anyone caught in such a act, give him a nice thrash if he is a young man, convince him or her if he is child, female or an old man.

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